In this unique and thrilling manga-adapted series premiering on April 5th, viewers are transported to a world where parasites lurk among us, waiting to take control of their human hosts. The tension and suspense are palpable as one young man finds himself entwined with a parasitic creature, leading to a gripping exploration of the human condition and the fragility of existence. As the story unfolds, viewers will be captivated by the complex and dynamic characters, and the moral dilemmas they face in a world where danger lurks at every turn. With its blend of horror, action, and psychological drama, this series promises to leave a lasting impact on audiences.
Parasyte The Grey The Parasites Hidden Amongst Us Based On The Manga By Hitoshi Iwaaki Premieres April 5 Shirt details
Product details
- 100% Cotton: Make a very strong and smooth fabric that is perfect for printing
- Tear-away tag: Easily removable tear-away tag that allows you to add a custom inside label
Style and fit
- Regular fit: Standard length, the fabric easily gives into movement
- Streetwear look: The shirt's heavyweight fabric gives it a structured look that's perfect for streetwear outfits
- Tubular: Constructed from a single piece of cloth – it doesn't have side seams