Parasyte: The Maxim is a thrilling and thought-provoking anime series that revolves around the idea of parasites infiltrating and taking over human bodies. The story follows Shinichi Izumi, a high school student who becomes the host to a parasite named Migi after it fails to take over his brain. As the two navigate their newfound symbiotic relationship, they must face other parasites that threaten the safety of the human race. With its unique premise, complex characters, and intense action sequences, Parasyte: The Maxim is sure to captivate viewers and keep them on the edge of their seats.
Parasyte The Grey The Parasites Hidden Amongst Us Based On The Manga By Hitoshi Iwaaki Premieres April 5 3D Shirt details
Product details
- 100% Cotton: Make a very strong and smooth fabric that is perfect for printing
- Tear-away tag: Easily removable tear-away tag that allows you to add a custom inside label
Style and fit
- Regular fit: Standard length, the fabric easily gives into movement
- Streetwear look: The shirt's heavyweight fabric gives it a structured look that's perfect for streetwear outfits
- Tubular: Constructed from a single piece of cloth – it doesn't have side seams